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Maintenance Services
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Water & wastewater treatment required comprehensive routine service and maintenance work to ensure plant’s normal operation. Customer tends to entrust a third-party technical team to undertake plant maintenance job due to intricacy of water treatment system has increased significantly and it will become an upcoming trend in near future.
Remote Monitoring

In addition, Ekomax supply online and remote monitoring for water treatment plant. It is highly recommended as plant preventative maintenance, where customer always can access to the system condition at anywhere and anytime.

Our professionals and competency in water treatment sector able to resolve complexity issue in water treatment system, where we treat your water, and you focus on your business.

Extensive Experience Services

Our professionals and competency in water treatment sector able to resolve complexity issue in water treatment system, where we treat your water, and you focus on your business.

Plant operation with supervision and manpower.
Schedule or ad-hoc maintenance and service job.
Remote and online monitoring system.
Technical advise and consultation for plant optimization and system improvement.
Water, energy and cost saving plan.